Beetle Acts Like Its Dead on Back but When I Touch It It Starts Moving Again

Bugs & Insects

Insects and spiders play an essential role in the web of life. They are an amazingly diverse group of animals that have conquered almost every environment on earth. Find out more about the fascinating earth of insects and spiders.



Wherever you lot are in Commonwealth of australia, you will definitely have seen this niggling creature in your garden or fifty-fifty in your firm (or honey jar). Ants live all over Australia in every unmarried kind of environment. That is because there are and then many types of ants - over ane,200 known species in Australia and over 15,000 worldwide. Many kinds of ants love rainforest areas, but ants are also found in the most arid deserts and even underwater. An…

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Blue Ants

Blue Ants

Have you ever seen a really, really big emmet? Have yous ever spotted a blue i? Or 1 that sticks its bum in the air when it walks? It is well-nigh probable a Blue Pismire. The Bluish Ant grows up to two.5 cm long but there is a secret to its massive growth... it's actually a wasp. They live in Tasmania, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria. The male person Blue Pismire has a darker torso with white spots on his abdomen. Males are smaller, only…

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Bogong Moths

Bogong Moths

Equally the atmospheric condition warms up in south-e Australia, the well-known Bogong moths are getting set to make a large journey. Bogong moths migrate several hundred kilometres each year. During leap, they fly from the lowland grassy areas up to the mountainous caves in the Snowy Mountains. As the temperature heats upward, Bogong moths sleep in caves, each overlapping one another - just like tiles on a roof. In autumn Bogong moths fly back…

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Photo credit: Jerry Oldenettel


Collywobbles are a welcome add-on to any garden and like many native buddies, demand our aid to brand sure they remain regular guests. Butterflies are cold-blooded and need plenty of warm sunshine. You may see them in early on spring with wings wide open to the warming sunday. Or you may meet them merely bear upon the top of a bird bath or pond. Purple, red, orange, and xanthous flowers attract butterflies. With a few unproblematic changes, your bac…

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Photograph credit: Christopher Watson


Beloved them or hate them, caterpillars are an of import role of the Australian surroundings. They tin can bring joy in the form of the promise of a cute butterfly, despair every bit they devour tender immature broccoli plants, or itching and hurting as a spitfire caterpillar brushes confronting your bare skin. Effectually August, moths and butterflies are busily searching for a condom place to lay their eggs. Some have already produced eggs, and so information technology's a …

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Explore Beetles

Christmas Beetles

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Photo credit: Melanie Melt

Christmas Beetles

What do Christmas Beetles look like? Christmas Beetles are easy to spot; their shimmering metal bodies set them apart. A lot of Christmas beetles come up in gilded chocolate-brown or green colours, just the farther north you travel in Australia, the more than amazing their colours can be. In northern Queensland, you tin can even find Christmas beetles that

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Information technology'southward non an Aussie summer without the deafening concert of thousands of cicadas. Effectually October, you tin can see the first empty shell of a newly hatched cicada on a tree trunk or your fence. They will shortly fill the air with their song before they disappear once again for wintertime. Only where have they been during the colder months? At the end of summertime, each female person cuts pocket-size slits into plant stems and branches and places her eggs inside…

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Common Brown Butterflies

Common Brown Butterflies

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Photo credit: Sunphlo

Common Chocolate-brown Collywobbles

Fluttering through gardens, parks and bushland, this beautiful buddy deserves a better name than "Common Brown" The Female Mutual Brown is larger than the male with quite dissimilar markings and more yellow colouring. The male is dark orange all over with darker markings than the female. The Common Brownish Butterfly is piece of cake to spot as they search for mates from October through to December. They live in eastern Australia, with a s…

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Crickets live all over Australia and y'all have probably heard them - just perhaps not seen one. The nigh mutual is the Black Field Cricket. Only the male of this species 'chirp' by rubbing their wings together. They do information technology to attract females, to woo them, and to warn off other male person competitors. Black Field Crickets are widespread in eastern and southern Australia. It's not difficult to spot one jumping around equally they grow to about ii.five c…

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Daddy Long Legs Spiders

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Photo credit: Mad Max

Daddy Long Legs Spiders

Many of our lawn buddies find their style inside our homes and take upward temporary residence, and one of the most successful and e'er-present is the Daddy-long-legs spider. Almost every house or shed in Australia has been dwelling house to the messy, tangled spider web of the Daddy-long-legs, peculiarly as the weather condition begins to absurd towards winter and the spiders seek warmth indoors. We remove them regularly on the end of a broom and put them …

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Dainty Swallowtail Butterflies

Overnice Swallowtail Butterflies

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Photo credit: Michael Jefferies

Dainty Swallowtail Butterflies

The Dainty Swallowtail Butterfly is too known every bit the Muddied Swallowtail or Minor Citrus Butterfly - but it isn't dingy at all. You'll see these stunning butterflies in flight across eastern Australia correct up until May Developed Nice Swallowtails are blackness with grayness, white, and smaller blue and red spots on their wings, and yellow markings along their bodies. The female person's wingspan is up to 7.2 cm while the male is slightly small…

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Neither dragons nor flies, dragonflies are insects with more than 320 species known to alive in Australia. Unlike species of dragonflies likewise have distinctive markings and colours, so with exercise, you'll exist able to recognise one type from some other, just like birds. Dissimilar species emerge at different times of year, so keep a look out no matter what calendar month information technology is. Sentinel out for dragonflies wherever there is water such every bit a p…

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In that location are over g species of native worms in Commonwealth of australia and approximately eighty introduced species that are beneficial besides. Earthworms are first-class buddies to accept in your garden. They return nutrients to the soil from organic matter such as fallen leaves, vegetable peelings, fruit scraps, hair clippings, and even sometime paper. These nutrients are important for plants and will greatly enrich the soil in your backyard. They are…

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Photo credit: Charles J Sharp


During the hot nights of summertime, grasshoppers are getting prepare to breed. Around dusk in the disappearing calorie-free male grasshoppers sing romantic serenades to attract females. Their range of pitch and calls are endless. The male grasshopper creates music using his legs. Like a bow drawn across violin strings, the grasshopper draws his legs beyond his front pair of wings to make buzzes and trills. Information technology may assistance attract a mate but t…

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Hairy Flower Wasp

Hairy Bloom Wasp

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Photo credit: John Tann

Hairy Flower Wasp

What do Hairy Flower Wasps look like? Hairy Bloom Wasps are either blackness or blue/black. The Campsomeris genus have orange, yellow or gold markings. They are 3-4cm long, have large antennae and both the males and females have a unmarried pair of veined yellow wings.  Male Hairy Flower Wasps are more slender than females and

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Huntsman Spiders

Huntsman Spiders

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Photo credit: Nib & Marking Bell

Huntsman Spiders

What exercise Huntsman Spiders expect like? Huntsman spiders are rather hairy and tin can be as wide as xv cm. Their front legs are larger than the dorsum ones and bend forwards like those of a crab. This shape also allows them to crawl in all directions very chop-chop. There are 94 known species of Huntsman

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Hairy Flower Wasp

Ichneumon Wasps

As the days get warmer, colourful Ichneumon Wasps go a common sight in many Aussie backyards, hovering to a higher place your lawn on a warm solar day or trying to mate with your orchids. There are effectually 2000 species living all across Australia. These stingless insects are Mother Nature'due south pest command for your garden and provide fascinating entertainment for those prepared to sit yet and watch the prove. At an average of 1.ii cm in length …

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The Common Garden Katydid is a quite common backyard buddy and garden company. Information technology's a cousin to the grasshopper and cricket, well-nigh 4 to 6 cm in length with extremely long, thin antennae, and powerful back legs for jumping. There are about 1000 species in Australia and they are part of the orthopteran group of insects, which means 'straight wings'. Like crickets, male Katydids play songs to attract females past rubbing their wing…

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Photo credit: Mathias Krumbholz


Some bugs are not only skillful bugs but neat bugs that volition eat other insects and keep your overall pest numbers down. Such a buddy is the Green Lacewing. This fascinating insect is equally helpful as it is pretty. The larva of the Green Lacewing is a very efficient method of issues control for your garden, and they grow into delicate, winged beauties. Their vivid green color and distinctive wings make them piece of cake to spot. October is a 1000…

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Ladybirds are bully to have as buddies in your backyard. In many cultures they are considered so lucky that killing one will bring sadness and misfortune. There are nearly 6000 species of ladybird in the earth, with around 500 species in Australia. Y'all might know ladybirds every bit ladybugs or ladybeetles, only whatever name yous use they are the fantastic at keeping your garden healthy. Y'all might call back of ladybirds equally existence crimson or ora…

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If you see a spot of yellowy-green, brownish or red on your plants and it'southward jumping from identify to place and when you take a closer look it quickly scuttles around to the other side of the foliage- it could be a leafhopper. Leafhoppers bite through leaves, stems and $.25 of tree body to suck up the delicious and nutritious institute sap, particularly Eucalyptus copse. Leafhoppers often work with ants. While they're drinking they excrete…

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Leopard slugs

Leopard slugs

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Photo credit: Doug Beckers

Leopard slugs

In February you tin witness a spectacular result in your lawn. Mating Leopard Slugs must exist one of the most bizarre and fascinating displays of creature behaviour you can ever observe. The male person and female get entwined and lower themselves from their branch on a thread of mucus to exchange sperm. Then they return to the branch via the mucous thread, eating it as they get. Like all slugs and snails, they are hermaphrodites - …

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You may see them in the grass, among leaves, on walls, near lights at night or in your veggie patch. Wherever there are insects to eat you lot might find a mantid. There are nigh 2,000 different species across the world, ranging from 10 to 120 millimetres in trunk length and their feature fashion of standing with forelegs held together as if they were praying. Just the males have wings fit to fly, helping them to motility effectually lo…

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Millipedes are myriapods, meaning 'many pairs of legs'. They survive over much of the country and evolved from ancestors that were the first creatures to brand the move from water to state millions of years ago. Australia is home to approximately 2000 species, most of which are nocturnal. Millipedes are most mutual in areas with a milder climate and plenty of moisture. They are common under rocks and logs, in leaf litter and soi…

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Monarch Butterflies

Monarch Collywobbles

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Photo credit: Arthur Chapman

Monarch Butterflies

During summer, for but vi weeks, the Monarch, or Wanderer, Butterfly lives its short, busy life in many Australian backyards. They are not Australian natives, simply arrived in Australia from North America as recently equally 1871. Once its host constitute, the Milkweed of the genus Asclepias, arrived likewise, the butterflies began to flourish. Monarchs are very common and perhaps the about recognised butterfly, especially in urban areas.…

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Moth or Butterfly?

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Photo credit: Alves Gaspar

Moth or Butterfly?

Although they are very similar, there are a few means yous tin can tell a moth from a butterfly. The most obvious is when you are probable to encounter them. Collywobbles are active during the day and most moths at night. Though there are a few moths, such as the Queensland Twenty-four hour period Moth Alcides metaurus and the Jacob'south Glaze Moth Agarista agricola, which wing during the day. If you are able to take a closer look, the antennae of moths differ from …

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Mud Wasps

Mud Wasps

If you hear a wasp buzzing loudly in your garden or notice a wasp'due south nest under your eaves or fastened to your house or shed, don't panic. They may be Mud dauber Wasps which look a bit scary with their bright yellow and dark black colouring, but are actually quite harmless and not-aggressive if y'all leave them alone. Similar all wasps, if they feel threatened, they will give a painful sting, so best to detect them from a distance. D…

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Native Bees

Native Bees

Commercial love bees came to our shores from Europe in 1822, but there are over 1,500 species of native bees across the country. Australian bees tin can be equally modest every bit two mm in length. Near 10% of Australia's native bees are 'social', meaning that they form hives, and have a queen, infertile female worker bees and male drones which fertilise the queen. They are completely stingless. Stingless bees are quite a sight when they'r

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Painted Lady Butterflies

Painted Lady Butterflies

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Photograph credit: David Cook

Painted Lady Butterflies

The Australian Painted Lady butterfly migrates from identify to place and loves to visit gardens. In southern Australia, the all-time time to spot them is after a few warm, sunny days at the end of wintertime, and from jump to fall. In the northern part of the Painted Lady butterfly'due south range, they live in the aforementioned spot year round. Whenever they balance or stop to feed, they spread their wings out depression to keep predators away. The vibrant c…

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Paper Wasps

Paper Wasps

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Photo credit: David Finnegan /OEH

Newspaper Wasps

Native Paper Wasps are found all over Commonwealth of australia except in Tasmania and, although only aggressive when defending their nests, information technology is best to steer clear of them. Simply their behaviour can requite yous a clue to how they spend their lives. The female wasp is always busy. If she'due south tapping her way along a leaf, she'۪s probably looking for a caterpillar to feed her larvae. If she's fossicking on an former contend paling, chances are she's scr…

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Rhinoceros Beetles

Rhinoceros Beetles

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Photo credit: Donald Hobern

Rhinoceros Beetles

What exercise Rhinoceros Beetles look like? At 7cm in length the shiny black Rhinoceros Beetle or Rhino Beetle (Xylotrupes ulysses) is Commonwealth of australia'southward largest beetle. Simply the males have horns; they use them to fight with other males to win the attention of their favourite females. Rhinoceros Beetle babies are huge as well. They are c-shaped, white

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Have you e'er lifted a pot plant or scraped back some mulch and found some curious little 'Roley Poley' bugs underneath? These are slaters, also known as Roley Poleys, Pill Bugs, or Woods Lice. Just like worms, slaters are swell for your garden as they consume organic matter and render nutrients to the soil. Having a few slaters around will go along your plants happy and healthy. Slaters demand moisture and mostly come up out at night when …

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The leaf litter in your garden is perfect for snails who need a moist atmosphere to survive in. Snails tin can exist infuriating when they graze on your newly planted veggie patch. Just they also like to feed on expressionless found and animal material and fungi. There are over one thousand species of native Australian snails and slugs simply virtually of the snails and slugs we find in our gardens are not natives. Introduced snail species by and large arrived ac…

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Spiny Leaf Insect

Spiny Leafage Insect

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Photograph credit: David Sindel

Spiny Leaf Insect

If yous are in Queensland or northern New South Wales in Jan, y'all might be lucky enough to spot one of the almost interesting insects that Australia is habitation to. Don't be alarmed past this weird looking buddy. The Spiny Leaf Insect is besides known every bit Behemothic Prickly Stick Insect or Macleay's Spectre Stick Insect. The name may change, but their odd advent stays the same. When laying her eggs, the female flicks the eggs from her a…

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St Andrews Cross Spiders

St Andrews Cantankerous Spiders

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Photo credit: Stu's Images

St Andrews Cross Spiders

What do St Andrew's Cross Spiders look like? The webs of St Andrew's Cross Spiders are fascinating to look at because of their decorations. These spiders get their proper name from the bluish-white cross pattern that they create in the centre of their web, which looks like the St Andrew's cantankerous on the Scottish flag. The

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Stag Beetles

Stag Beetles

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Photo credit: Arthur Chapman

Stag Beetles

There are over ane,200 species of these big-jawed beetles in the globe, and mayhap even more than 85 different species merely in Australia, merely even though there are lots of different types of Stag Beetle, many are facing a loss of habitat that is threatening their survival. Stag Beetles honey to live in damp woodland areas with lots of leaves and rotting wood on the footing, just unfortunately, these are as well the kinds of areas that …

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Stick Insects

Stick Insects

Somewhere amongst the leaves in your backyard is a cover-up master. Fifty-fifty though in that location are around 150 stick insect species in Australia, it'southward nevertheless difficult to spot one. Look closely at gum trees, rose bushes or fruit trees for these green or chocolate-brown buddies. The stick insect is a Phasmid - insects that consume leaves and resemble leaves or sticks. Information technology is a master of disguise and remains still during the day. Look for them at night…

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Sugar Ants

Sugar Ants

What practise sugar ants wait like? In that location are many dissimilar kinds of sugar ants, each a slightly different shape and size. They are normally very tiny, between 2.5 to 18mm long. They take large black heads, a small waist and a rusty, orangish-brown center.  Where are sugar ants plant? Sugar ants are some of the

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As the weather warms upwards in leap and summertime, termites embark their social swarming. In order to create social swarms, the colony emerges from being underground later at to the lowest degree three years. Flight termites are at their reproductive stage and are short lived. A swarm can exist quite a sight, one minute it'south clear outside and the side by side you may think that a role of the sky has greyed as the sheer mass of a swarm tin be truly spectac…

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Tiger Moths

Tiger Moths

What do tiger moths look similar? Unlike many other moths, Tiger Moths has brilliant orange bars and spots on its wings. They have striped abdomens which has given them their proper noun. Their caterpillars are covered in sparse night hairs which gives them the proper name "Woolly Bears".  Where are tiger moths found? Tiger Moths live on

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Trapdoor Spiders

Trapdoor Spiders

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Photo credit: Neb & Mark Bong

Trapdoor Spiders

What exercise trapdoor spiders look similar? There are many dissimilar species of trapdoor spider. They are brown or black and can be up to 3.5 cm long. Some males wait like they take large boxing gloves near their mouth. Trapdoor spiders look quite similar to the far more unsafe Funnel-web Spider. Both are large, dark

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Wolf Spider

Wolf Spider

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Photograph credit: Cassidy Photography

Wolf Spider

What do wolf spiders look like? Wolf spiders are frequently large and hairy. They are usually grey with brown or dark grey markings. Their eyes smooth if you spot them under torchlight. They are anywhere betwixt 1.2 to v centimetres in size.  Where are wolf spiders constitute? Wolf spiders are establish all over the world

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